Sweet Baby Ev,
Oh boy little girl! This month has been crazy! You have grown and learned so much in the last month! You have started your little army crawl scooch and have got your self mobile all over the place. You do not like to hold still one bit any more. You roll from one object to the next and get bored with the same toy or item after a few minutes.
Some of your favorite things to play with are shoes, tv remotes, the cat, wrappers, ya know pretty much everything but your actual toys. It's very entertaining watching the things that keep you busy for ever. You love to eat as well. You enjoy most your baby foods and love your cereal puffs and thank heavens for that. We would never make it through church without them!
Another current love of your is the outdoors. It has finally cooled down here so we love being outside. You go running with mommy every morning and are such a good girl the whole time. You love looking around at the trees and people and seriously smile the whole time. Every one keeps commenting on how happy and smiley of a baby you are and I just love it!!
Honey bear you are just beautiful inside and out and I am the luckiest mama to have you as my sweet baby girl! Your daddy and I get so excited to go get you up in the morning because we just love being round you. That huge grin you greet us with when we go to get you out of your crib is just precious and continues to be one of my favorite things you do!
You literally amaze mommy and daddy every day with new things you are learning how to do. We love watching you grow and learn so much. We love you forever baby.
Mommy and Daddy
You love to eat. Definitely mommas girl!
First time with full piggies. They didn't last long.
Our little swimmer.
Your new thing is to get up on your knees and just dig through your toy box.
First time riding in the shopping cart.
Such a sweet cuddly bug.
Out running with momma.
You love playing with your little friend. She makes ya laugh all day long.